Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What Looks Like Crazy On An Ordinary Day

Charlie Sheen (nee' Carlos Estevez) is a lunatic.  I've been saying it for years.  He has crazy in his eyes.  That said...I think I love him.  I love everything about him.  I love those crazy eyes.  That sallow skin.  That hair.  I am amused by most everything that comes out of his mouth.  I really shouldn't be this entertained by someones mental breakdown. 
I will say this though...I totally believe that he is completely clean and sober right now.  That's why all of his crazy is showing.  He's not dropping shrooms and drinking gallons of Jim Beam to keep those voices at bay.  Now he's pulling a Nicki Minaj and letting all them folks in his head have their damn way!  And I for one totally support it.  Why?  We have a lot of stuff in common.  I mean, I'm no crack addict but I am addicted to a drug called Tee.  Tee is quite addictive, one hit of it will melt your face off and cause your kids to cry over your exploded body. Tee is also a total bitchin' rockstar from Mars. 

I also support this guy because he has some astronomical self-esteem, it just happens to be swarthed and swaddled in a fluffy blanket of cuh-ray-zee.  Also, because some of the shit he's saying actually makes sense to me...which begs the question "Tee, are YOU crazy?" It's likely, but my mental health team hasn't given me any concrete diagnoses yet so let's just focus on Carlos.

In case you missed it, here's some o the gold his been leaving in his wake on the interview circuit lately....

The Today Show

The Alex Jones Show - 02.24.11

Drug addiction cured in a nanosecond? WINNING!!!

The Dan Patrick Show - Part 1

Smoking crack socially is okay when you know what you're doing?

The Dan Patric Show - Part 2

"beer drunks are worse than vodka drunks are more linear..."

Good Morning America 02.28.11

And if you can't access videos from where you are sitting right now, you might want to check out Live The Sheen Dream, some genuis has compiled all of my favorite Sheen quotes in one place.  It's already in my favorites.  So is this one, they are calling it Tiger Blood World Tour 2011.  Or play Ghaddafi vs. Sheen and see which insane narcissist really rules the universe. 

Lord knows I shouldn't get so much pleasure from this fool.  I should be praying for his health and well being, instead I'm hoping he let some ridiculousness loose on the airwaves last night while I was sleeping.  And I know I'm not the only one.

So, I'll just sit here and wait.  And hopefully the Rapture won't come until everything on Carlos' agenda is marked complete.

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