Saturday, December 18, 2010

YouTube Shenanigans: Pretty Ricky

File this one under "Extra Wacktackular".  Is anyone else as disturbed by this foolishness as I am?  Somebody is still letting these fools make records? Pleasure P is probably somewhere on his knees thanking 6 lb. 6 oz. baby Jesus that he escaped when he did.  I know I would be.

P.S.  I think I'd use this time to formally state that I believe that the name "Pretty Ricky" is one of the biggest misnomers in the history of the universe. 

P.P.S.  The fact that somebody even gave them a budget to make this record and film the video is another sign that the world is ending.  I don't know how many times I have to tell you folks to get your lives right but....dammit, get it done!


  1. Wow. I realize that most likely my status as your favorite C-A C somewhat negates my opinion, but...

    1. I was in favor of it already, but I think this song/video should be the nail in the coffin and we should officially retire the term "shorty."

    2. Does that guy really have a Pretty Ricky tattoo up on his neck? Like, where people can see it?

    3. I'm kinda glad to see the singer, though... I always wondered what happened to Carlton after Fresh Prince went off...

  2. J,

    I agree that "shorty" should be retired. There are actually a lot of words that I feel should be let go...maybe I'll blog about it. The neck tattoo really made me sad. I couldn't believe that he actually takes this shit so serious that he would mark himself with it for life. And LMAO at the Carlton ID...
