Friday, December 3, 2010

I Refuse To Take This Ish Seriously: Shaw Shank Edition

I really thought that theft by titties would leave me speechless for at least an hour or so.  But I got over that shit quicker than I thought I would.  I don't know if I'll get over this right here.

This dude is trippin'! Does he really have an iPhone in jail? Is he really posting pics of bongs, weed, and shanks on Facebook? Does his child really have two guns in her hands?  I'm trying to call upon my inner hoodrat to get a better understanding this jailbird's behavior.  It's not working though. 

I'm telling you people, Facebook has caused the comfort level of people to go way up.  People are sharing way too much.  And this dude just dry snitched himself all the way to solitary.  Look for him on the next new episode of Lock Up: RAW.

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